Monday, February 19, 2018

Letting Children Come

“Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.  And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.” (Matthew 19:13-15)

Several years ago, while on deputation, I was shocked at the number of campgrounds that did not allow children because the older people did not want to be disturbed.  When I looked around, I found that many neighborhood associations and apartments had similar policies.  I met grandparents who told me they rented a single bedroom apartment so that they would not have to put up with their grandkids overnight.  Hundreds of young women postpone having children, because they do not want anything to interfere with their career, and those who have children put them in daycare or hire babysitters as soon as possible so that they can enjoy their career.  Thousands of women have abortions because a child would interfere with their education or chosen lifestyle.  With such an attitude toward children, it is not surprising that so many of them have a selfish and rebellious attitude.

Sadly, the same attitude has come into the church.  Several years ago, I started a bus route to a small community to pick up kids for church because the pastor of a church in the community had told the people the children were too disruptive and should not be brought.  A rather famous pastor told the people not to bring children into the main service because they might cause a disturbance and quench the spirit.  Many times children’s church programs are primarily for keeping the kids from causing a disturbance.  As a result, the kids do not feel like they are an important part of the church and drop out when they start high school or college. 

Jesus was very specific in stating that the children were to be allowed to come along with the adults.  While we may assume they get very little out of it, Jesus said, “for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”  Though they may seem to pay little attention, it is amazing how much they pick up, and they are strongly influenced by the attitudes of the adults around them.   As a child, I remember feeling very important to be allowed to accompany my dad to a meeting even though I had little interest in the meeting at the time, and years later being allowed to go had a tremendous influence on my development as a pastor and missionary.  There need to be times when the children sit with the adults and learn they are part of the church, and the adults need to learn to show consideration for them as Romans 15:1 tells us.  “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”  The adults ought to be mature enough to overlook or deal with a little childish behavior.   The Holy Spirit is God, and if a child is able to quench the spirit and prevent him from working the spirit involved must not be the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said we are not to forbid them to come.  When we become so selfish we cannot bear to have little children around we are definitely not walking in the Spirit or showing God’s love. 


  1. It is so sad that much of today's society regards children as an inconvenience rather than a gift from God. My husband and I are blessed to be at a church that places children in high regard, going out into the community to actively recruit children from lower income families, even though they often haven't yet been taught how to behave and might be seen by some as creating a "disturbance." Through the church's outreach, many of the children have been saved, and their family members sometimes are saved as a result. Once grown, many of the children return to visit when they are back in town, and some even end up serving in youth ministry. Thanks for the great post and God bless!

    1. I think that our society's attitude toward children as being an inconvenience for many years is behind the school shootings and gang violence we see today. If we do not reach the young, the problems will only get worse.
