Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letting the Holy Spirit Lead

Acts 13:14-16

In Luke 8:5-14, we have the story of the sower planting seed. The conditions of the soil where the seed was planted made a great deal of difference in the results the seed produced. What landed on completely unprepared ground, the wayside, produced little or no results. What landed among the rocks in areas that were plowed got a quick start, but because it had no root, died as soon as the nutrients in the seed were depleted. Some of the seed landed among the weeds on plowed ground, and the weeds out grew it and prevented it from being productive. Some landed on well prepared soil where the weeds didn’t get a chance to choke it and was very productive.

God had given his word to the Jews, to demonstrate his power to the rest of the world. They had had the basics for two Thousand years. Literally the soil had had two thousand years of preparation. It is a major factor in the number who believed on the day of Pentecost and the rapid growth of the church in Jerusalem. Paul and Barnabas nearly always started by visiting the local synagogue.

“But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.” (Acts 13:14)

In going to the Jewish synagogue. Paul could be sure of finding people who had a basic understanding and interest in Messiah’s coming. Many Gentiles converted to the Jewish religion, and Christian Jews usually attended as well. It was a logical place to start in a new community.

Notice that the apostles simply went into the synagogue and sat down. They made no attempt to gain attention by disrupting the service or questioning the leaders. They simply trusted the Lord to do what needed to be done. They sat quietly through the entire service, waiting on the Holy Spirit.

“And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.” (Acts 13:15)

When the Holy Spirit was ready, he caused the leaders of the synagogue to ask Paul and Barnabas if they had anything to add. The Holy Spirit has used their quiet and respectful attitude to impress the rulers that these men are to be trusted as knowing about God, and they asked to hear.

Several years ago, I observed that that some people did not come during the invitation, and that many who did never came back. On the other hand some would come around after church and ask questions about salvation. After talking some would ask to get saved on the spot while others would come back several times before doing so. Almost without exception. Those who asked me and then accepted the Lord went on to become strong Christians, while many of those who came during an invitation did not.

I began to realize that those who came asking sincerely were being drawn by the Holy Spirit, while many who came during the invitation were drawn by an emotional or psychological appeal rather than the Holy Spirit. The difference shows up in the product. While the results are usually slower, the Holy Spirit produces durable and productive results. How often have we accepted mere human results because we weren’t willing to wait for the Holy Spirit to accomplish his work and tried to make things happen ourselves? What would happen if we let the Holy Spirit do his work?

Only when he was asked did Paul address the crowd. As a result, he was guaranteed that they would hear at least part of what he said. He had earned the right to be heard.

In the current age, nearly everyone gets vast amounts of unsolicited junk mail. If you are like me, I rarely open letters from people I don’t recognize because so much is a waste of my time. On the internet, junk mail is called spam, and is deleted without reading. Sadly, much witnessing today is presented like junk mail or spam, unwanted and a nuisance. Is it any wonder people avoid it?. A hearing has not been earned.


  1. This is my third try to post a comment so I hope this one goes through!
    You are so right about the way that salvation is being presented today. So many think that they are saved that are not,and never come to realise that their has been no real regeneration in their spirit.
    Its so weird that today,it has become so easy to "act" saved.
    Today,anybody can act saved, talk saved, dress saved, but not actually BE saved.
    And the ironic part about it is that they don't fear death because they think their sins have been forgiven.
    This is the greatest deception of the most diabolical kind, born in and inspired by the pits of hell.
    I thank my God, for Pastors like you,dfish.

  2. Absolutely inspiring!
    Happy moments, praise God.
    Difficult moments, seek God.
    Every moment, thank God.
