Tuesday, April 3, 2018

God Created the Heavens and the Earth

As we saw in the previous study, the sexual promiscuity, confusion over gender, school shootings, homosexuality and other wickedness we see today is a direct result of mankind having rejected God.  One area where their rejection of God is readily apparent is in the theories about where the world came from.  If God created the world, he had the right to make it follow prescribed rules as to how it is to function, including both the physical laws such as the law of gravity, and moral laws.  Because they rebel against God having such authority over them, people choose to worship other things.  Romans 1:25 tells us they “…Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.”  They worship the things God created instead of the God who created them. 

Some have chosen to worship certain animals, or a river or volcano, while others worship the sun or the earth itself.  Others worship some exalted human beings such as the old Roman or Greek gods, or some man such as Adam.  Still others worship some unknown extra-terrestrial alien culture.  Today many people believe in evolution, which is in essence worship of modern science.  This is especially popular because if mankind are only the result of a series of random accidents, there can be no moral standard to govern how we live. 

Every one of these beliefs involve the pre-existence of something, whether of an alien culture or some super human beings, the solar system, the animals they worship, or, in the case of evolution, the existence of all matter.  No matter how many thousands or millions of years we go back, it is illogical to assume that nothing suddenly turned into something without something to cause it.  While Christians are often asked where God came from, all other beliefs have the same problem.   

Evolution assumes matter was there and that molecular attraction pulled it together so closely that it created a nuclear explosion which resulted in the formation of the universe with all the galaxies and planets.  There is no explanation where the matter came from or how it came together to reach critical mass all at one time.  Even if we accept the Big Bang Theory as to how the universe was formed, there is no scientific explanation as to how life evolved since we have never been able to produce life despite all our attempts to combine the proper chemicals.        

The Bible makes no attempt to explain where God comes from, but simply declares his existence, in Genesis 1:1.  “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”    God was there and he caused the earth to be formed.   Logically we know that something was there and caused the various things to form.  The Biblical statement is as logically sound as the evolutionary explanation. 

Genesis 1:2 tells us, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”  Literally what this means is that the world had no particular form, that it was empty, and that there was no light, but that the spirit and power of God were present and active.  It clearly intimates that most of the surface was covered by water.  Since three fourths of world’s surface is still covered by water, this makes perfect sense.   At this point, we have an unformed, unfinished planet with soil and water, space, and a source of power to effect changes.  The rest of description of creation will involve how those raw materials were shaped into the world we know today. 

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